Kenexa Tests

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Tech firms around the UK are always looking to employ the best minds. So when it comes to recruiting new people, they use Kenexa - a leading assessment provider. Kenexa offers a variety of tests aimed to examine every candidate's skills, strengths, weaknesses and personality type.

What Is A Kenexa Assessment?

Kenexa is an assessment publisher that specialises in providing pre-employment and developmental tests that are used in a wide range of industries.

Founded in 1987, Kenexa was acquired by IBM in 2012, and has a suite of more than 1,500 assessments that are categorised into six different categories:

  • Career Fit
  • Culture Fit
  • KPIs
  • Job Fit
  • Prove It!
  • Reasoning Assessments

They can be used as standalone tests, or as part of a bespoke or tailored battery used by companies to assess potential candidates for an advertised role.

Kenexa tests are used in the early stages of the recruitment process to screen applicants based on their skills, aptitudes, and characteristics. You might also find Kenexa tests being used in retention and development of employees already in a role, especially when looking at training needs and the potential for promotion.

Which Tech Employers Use Kenexa Assessments?

You are most likely to find Kenexa assessments in the recruitment process of software businesses, but there are some specific engineering and technology companies that use them, including Snap On, ABTEL Universal Technology, and BizViz, as well as technology roles in healthcare and in other industries too.

How Kenexa Tests Work

With the six different test types found in the Kenexa test battery, there are some very specific characteristics and competencies that are being assessed - which means each test is valid as a standalone assessment, but they also work well together for the employer and recruitment team who wants to get a fuller picture of the potential employee.

Kenexa Career Fit Tests

This competency test is closest in format and content to a personality test, and is used to identify the strengths and work preferences of a candidate.

The aim of this is to ensure that you have what it takes to develop in the advertised role and be suitable for this career in the long term.

Culture Fit Tests

For employee retention and satisfaction, it is important that there is a solid culture fit. To assess this, the Kenexa Culture Fit test is looking for a match in the personal values of the candidate and the core values of the business.

Matching the way the candidate prefers to work with the overall mission of the business is a pathway to quality performance.

Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are not always used to measure performance in a role - they can also be used to ensure that a potential candidate has the necessary strengths, characteristics and traits that are necessary for success in the role.

This might include communication, teamwork, leadership or problem solving - all tested through a suite of tools that are designed to see whether the candidate is likely to exhibit these important behaviours.

Job Fit Tests

A Job Fit Test is a bespoke assessment used as an early screening tool in the recruitment process.

In the Job Fit Test, candidates are assessed on specific behaviours and competencies as well as characteristics that are essential to the advertised role.

Kenexa Prove It!

The Kenexa Prove It! Suite of assessments is a series of more than 1,200 skills, personality, and general aptitude tests that are short and simple to administer, and can assess job skills like typing and Microsoft Office, as well as characteristics and traits.

Prove It! Assessments are generally being phased out in favour of other tests, but they can sometimes be found in roles that need a specific proficiency in a certain skill.

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests are used in the recruitment process particularly to assess the inherent skills and competencies of the candidate. These are all based on research that demonstrates the positive correlation of these competencies with future success in a job, and point towards general learning ability as well as competency with numbers, written information, and reasoning.

Numerical Reasoning Test

Numerical reasoning tests are an assessment of the ability of the candidate to work with numbers.

You can expect questions on general arithmetic as well as sequences, ratios, fractions and percentages, while demonstrating data interpretation and analysis of data provided in charts, graphs, diagrams and tables.

In the assessment, you will have 20 minutes to answer 20 questions (out of a bank of 174 available).

Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning assessments test your ability to quickly read, understand and analyse the information provided in a passage of text.

Often a lengthy, dense and sometimes complicated passage, you will need to work quickly to find facts and set aside inferences to decide if the text shows the question is true, false, or there is not enough information to answer.

Like the numerical reasoning test, you will have 20 minutes - but you need to work through 24 questions.

Logical Reasoning Test

Logical reasoning is an essential skill that demonstrates competency in problem-solving, learning and dealing with unfamiliar information.

In the Kenexa Logical Reasoning Test, there will be questions based on a series of images and shapes. Similar to inductive reasoning or abstract reasoning tests, you will need to find the pattern that governs the sequence in order to find the image that completes it.

The sequence might be governed by rotation or reflection, movement or growth - and with a limited time to answer you need to think methodically and logically. The multiple-choice answers will help give you a clue whether your logical deduction is correct.

Kenexa CAT

The Kenexa CAT is a Computer Adaptive Test which means that it is a test that poses questions that increase in difficulty throughout the assessment. This adaptive technology means that the assessment matches the skill of the candidate, and is simple to use.

The CAT is a combination of verbal, numerical and logical reasoning assessments. This combined test can be used instead of the separate reasoning tests above, and are used in combination with other assessments (like the culture or career fit).

How To Pass Kenexa Publisher Tests

Practice Kenexa Questions

Practicing different assessments is the best way to get a passing score - and while practice is valid if you use generic tests, it is so much more effective if you practice on Kenexa-style questions.

Not only will you get an idea of what the questions will be like, you will also become more familiar with the structure, layout and format of the assessment. This will make you more comfortable when you are actually taking the test for that role you are looking to get.

Focus on tests you score low in

When you are practicing, it is likely that you are going to have some types of questions that you find more difficult - this is normal, and it is actually a vital part of your practice.

Focus your revision and time on the questions or tests that you find most difficult so that you are more confident about taking them.

Use exam conditions

As the Kenexa assessments are taken at home, in your own time, it is important that you use exam conditions both in your practice and in the 'real thing'.

Practice with a timer and set up your test-taking area somewhere that you will not be disturbed. Turn off notifications and ensure that you have all the equipment you need to hand - from scrap paper to a strong internet connection.

Read Questions Carefully

While there are no questions that could be considered 'trick questions', take the time to read each one carefully to ensure you know exactly how to answer them.

Sample Kenexa Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Which of the following statements would strengthen the argument that implementing a 'bring your own device' policy will boost employee satisfaction?

  • Studies show that device familiarity increases user comfort and job satisfaction.
  • Most employees believe that work devices should have more restrictions to prevent data breaches.
  • The IT department finds it easier to maintain a standardized set of company devices.
  • Some employees think that carrying two devices is more convenient.

A company produces parts in cycles of 12 hours. During a cycle, 200 parts are produced initially; thereafter, the production increases by 50 parts every 12 hours. How many parts are produced in three full cycles?

  • 750 parts
  • 700 parts
  • 650 parts
  • 600 parts

If it takes 5 technicians a total of 8 hours to assemble a new server, how many technicians would be needed to assemble the server in only 4 hours?

  • 8 technicians
  • 10 technicians
  • 15 technicians
  • 20 technicians

A report concludes that employees who start their day by organizing their work schedule have a 15% increase in productivity. What is a valid inference from this conclusion?

  • Organizing work schedules causes a 15% increase in productivity.
  • Productivity can be improved by methods other than organizing work schedules.
  • There is a correlation between work schedule organization and productivity.
  • Employees who do not organize their schedules are less productive.

During a meeting, four topics are to be discussed: Market Trends, Financial Planning, Recruitment, and Product Development. The agenda should follow the sequence: first, a topic that sets the strategic direction; second, a topic based on facilitating execution; third, a topic centered around team growth; and lastly, a topic about future potential. What should be the sequence of the topics in the meeting's agenda?

  • Market Trends, Financial Planning, Recruitment, Product Development
  • Financial Planning, Market Trends, Recruitment, Product Development
  • Market Trends, Product Development, Recruitment, Financial Planning
  • Market Trends, Financial Planning, Product Development, Recruitment
  • Market Trends, Product Development, Financial Planning, Recruitment

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I wanted to quickly test my aptitude skills prior to an important job interview. Techtest allowed me to do just that.

Nadia found Techtest useful for assessing her technological aptitude abilities.


Kenexa Tests Tips

Understand the Kenexa Landscape

Before hitting the 'Start' button, take a moment to understand what Kenexa brings to the table. They're not just any test publisher — they've been around since 1987 and have developed over 1,500 assessments. Each test is tailored to measure specific attributes. So, wrap your head around the types of evaluations you might face and their purpose. This will help you predict the sorts of questions you might encounter and prepare accordingly.

Tailor Your Study

The beauty of Kenexa's assessments is that they're customized to suit different organizational needs. That means each practice exam you tackle on Techtest should be chosen with your target job in mind. Think about the skills likely to be assessed for that particular role and focus your prep on those areas. A jack-of-all-trades approach might not cut it when each test is crafted to scrutinize the individual strands of your professional DNA.

Simulate the Test Environment

To get the feel of the real deal, nothing beats a good simulation. Carve out a quiet space and time for yourself, just as you would in a formal test setting. Use the practice exams on Techtest to get comfortable with not only the types of questions but also the pressure of the ticking clock. Familiarizing yourself with the testing environment can ease nerves and help you hone in on delivering your best performance when it counts.

Review and Reflect

Every practice test you complete on Techtest is an opportunity to learn. After you've tackled those challenging questions, take the time to go through your answers. Reflect on the reasoning behind the correct ones and dissect why you might have missed others. This step is crucial; it's where the real growth happens. By understanding your thought process, you can adjust your strategies and improve with each practice session.

Keep an Eye on the Clock

Speed is of the essence in Kenexa tests, just as it is in the tech sector jobs you're eyeing. While it's important not to rush through questions haphazardly, it's equally important to maintain a steady pace. During your practice on Techtest, time yourself to find a balance between speed and accuracy. Getting this right can be the difference between an average score and one that really makes your application shine.

Level up

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  • 9 Aptitude packages
  • 40 Admissions packages
  • 99 Employer packages
  • 16 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Kenexa Tests FAQs

How Long Do Kenexa Assessments Take?

Each assessment can last between 20-45 minutes, so it depends on how many tests you need to take.

For some people, taking them all together while you are in the right frame of mind is the best way to tackle them, while others might choose to take a break between each one. There is no right or wrong way to approach these, as long as you complete them within the given time frame.

Are Kenexa Assessments Timed?

All Kenexa assessments are timed. While the content of the assessment might not be challenging, the addition of a time limit means that you have to work under pressure in order to get a good score.

How Do I Prepare For The Kenexa Exam?

Aside from practice, the best thing that you can do to prepare yourself for the Kenexa exam is getting a good night's sleep, eat a healthy and nutritious meal, and stay hydrated so you can perform at your best.

Are Kenexa Tests Difficult?

The nature of most of the Kenexa aptitude and personality assessments means that the content is not challenging - they are a measure of competency rather than skill.

Why Do Companies Give The Kenexa Exam?

The Kenexa tests are designed to provide businesses with key metrics that they can use to both screen potential candidates on a large scale, and also to assess the skills and competencies of current employees for development and training needs.

Based on workplace psychology and the latest research, Kenexa tests are among the most valid tests that can be used in recruitment and retention - and they are user-friendly enough to be simple for the candidates to take at home, providing a fair, accurate and unbiased way to find the best applicants.