Apple Assessments

Prepare for the Apple recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

In 1984, Apple changed the world forever when they introduced the first Macintosh. Now, they’re renowned as global innovators who perfectly blend style and substance with their products.

The company hires curious individuals who know how to dream big and aren’t about to let convention get in the way of creativity and progress. Apple seeks a wide variety of talent to ensure the business remains at the forefront of both the design and technology worlds.

Getting a Job at Apple

Apple, established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976, is the world's largest technology company. As one of the big five US IT companies - alongside Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook – Apple is an international household name. It specialises in electronic consumer products, computer software, and online services.

Apple prides itself on innovation, individuality, and collaboration. New employees are perceived as not just joining Apple, but as adding to and building its value.

The company has corporate offices across Europe, Asia, North America, and the South Pacific, and Apple retail has over 500 Apple Store locations. Its employees collaborate and share ideas with their counterparts all over the world.

Apple has internship opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students and offers full-time roles to graduates and experienced professionals.

Apple Values

Apple defines its culture as collaborative, with inclusion, growth, and originality as central tenets. Its culture is supported by its six core values, which provide the foundation for everything Apple undertakes. These values are:

Accessibility – Apple believes its technology should be accessible to all. Hearing, vision, mobility, and cognitive features ensure technology products are intuitive and tailored to individual needs.

Environment – Apple is committed to reducing the impact its business has on the planet. This comes into play through the design, manufacturing, shipping, use, and recycling stages of the product life cycle. All its operations are carbon-neutral, and by 2030 it aims its products will be too.

Privacy – Privacy considerations are built into the design of Apple products and Apple pledges to always give consumers control over their information.

Supplier Responsibility – Apple prioritises how it makes its products, taking accountability for ensuring the process is safe, supportive, and respectful – in terms of both the workplace and the natural environment.

Education – Apple supports education by providing products, support, and opportunities through its ConnectED programme. It believes in education as an equaliser and strives to enable opportunities for all.

Inclusion & Diversity – Apple is committed to improving inclusivity within the company, and to use its influence to help make the world more just. Its Racial Equity and Justice Initiative is ensuring active change around equity.

Types Of Roles At Apple

Apple has career opportunities under ten main areas, the largest of which are Apple Retail, Software & Services, Hardware, Machine Learning & AI, and Support & Service. These are referred to as functional specialities, rather than business units.

Other specialities include Design, Corporate Functions, Marketing, Operations & Supply Chain, and Sales & Business Development.

Apple prides itself on being organised for innovation - experts are led by experts with deep practical experience in the field, not by general managers.

Hiring Process At Apple

There is fierce competition for roles at Apple, so the recruitment process is necessarily challenging. You'll need to impress at each stage to stay in the running for your chosen position.

Apple Online Application

The first step of the process is to submit an online application. You'll need to provide your personal details, educational background, and work history. There will also be some questions around your motivation for working at Apple, and for selecting your chosen specialism. These questions will differ depending on the role you are applying for.

Once you've completed your application form, for certain roles, you'll be invited to complete a series of online tests. These may include:

Apple Aptitude Tests

The aptitude tests encountered at Apple tend to be technical coding tests, assessing skills such as the ability to write a script (e.g using JavaScript, Python or C++) and use frameworks to create solutions. These will be timed, so you'll need to be able to work quickly and accurately.

Apple Situational Judgement Test (SJT)

The situational judgement test presents candidates with a series of hypothetical workplace scenarios and asks them to select the multiple-choice option that best represents the course of action they would take. It's used to judge practical behavioural alignment with Apple's values and culture.

Apple Personality Tests

Personality tests are untimed questionnaires used to gain insight into the character and behavioural preferences of prospective employees. The questions will align with Apple's values, so reviewing these ahead of the test is recommended.

Apple Telephone/Video Interview

If you achieve a high score in the online tests, you'll be invited to attend a video or telephone interview. This will be competency-based, so it is important to review the job description and prepare to communicate how your skills align with the essential and desired criteria for the role.

The recruitment team will be seeking clear, articulate and evidence-based responses. Using the STAR (situation, task, action, result) is a handy tool to ensure you are providing strong answers.

If you are invited to a video interview, take the call from a quiet, neutral environment and dress smartly to convey your professionalism.

Apple Assessment Centre

If you impress at the first stage interview, you'll be invited to attend an assessment centre. This may be in-person at an Apple office or held online, depending upon the circumstances.

The assessment centre will comprise the following tasks:

Apple Group Exercise

Your team working skills will be assessed, as you work through a specialism-relevant scenario or challenge in groups. Seek to make a valuable contribution, but also be aware of creating the space to allow others to input. Apple highly values the skills needed for effective collaboration.

Apple Written Exercise

For the written exercise, you'll be presented with a case study (including a range of informational materials and a brief) and asked to formulate a response in a given amount of time. Review and analyse all material before settling upon your conclusions. It is important to articulate your arguments clearly and fully, so keep an eye on the time.

Apple Role Play

For the role-play exercise, candidates will be paired up and asked to enact a scenario. The nature of this will depend upon the speciality, but it will likely involve demonstrating navigation of conflict and the ability to adapt to overcoming challenges.

Apple Final Interviews

The final stage of the hiring process is a behavioural interview, which is usually completed as part of the assessment centre. Before the interview, review the job description and your application form responses. Reflect upon your performance during the assessment centre tasks and be ready to provide honest self-observations.

As it's a behavioural interview, keep Apple's culture and underpinning values in mind. It is also helpful to have researched your speciality and any recent company news or sector developments. An active interest in the business landscape conveys both commercial awareness and enthusiasm for the role.

Prepare a few questions to ask your interviewer, as insightful questions demonstrate the curiosity and passion you will bring to the workplace.

What Is It Like to Work at Apple?

Apple places emphasis on personal and professional growth, with a career development framework and opportunities through Apple University. There are classes, seminars, and tools to strengthen skills (from software ability to your general business acumen).

It has a comprehensive benefits package, offering medical plans (for physical and mental health), free counselling services, paid parental leave and a gradual return-to-work programme, and paid care leave.

Financially, Apple offers the opportunity to become an Apple shareholder, a pension plan, and income protection in multiple forms.

The company has a donation match scheme, so any money donated to eligible organisations is doubled (up to $10,000 a year). It also donates $25 for every volunteer hour its employees undertake.

Employees also get access to Apple products at the best prices and deals on accessories from third-party companies.

Top Tips for Getting Hired at Apple

Implement Interview Tips

To impress at Apple, a strong performance at an interview is essential. Review the interview tips contained in this article and practice implementing them during your preparation. The interview is your chance to convey your suitability for the role clearly and confidently, so formulating well-structured evidenced answers is key.


A large proportion of Apple job candidates come to the recruitment process through employee referrals, campus recruitment events, and via recruiters. To secure an opportunity with Apple, focus upon building and expanding your network. Use LinkedIn to leverage connections by keeping your profile up to date and reaching out to relevant contacts.

Update Your CV

To be ready to apply to new opportunities when they arise, keep your CV updated with your latest skills and experiences. Whilst you may not need to upload your CV directly during the application process, keeping your work history up to date will help you to think around your experiences and match them to criteria within job descriptions.

Set Up Job Alerts

Be one of the first to find out and respond to new opportunities by signing up for new job alerts. You can do this through Apple itself, by creating an online profile and indicating your wish to receive alerts, or via other job board sites.

Sample Apple Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Consider a process that involves brainstorming, validating, and then rapidly prototyping. What is the most effective order for these steps?

  • Brainstorming, Validating, Prototyping
  • Prototyping, Brainstorming, Validating
  • Validating, Brainstorming, Prototyping
  • Prototyping, Validating, Brainstorming

Which of the following statements is the most logical continuation of the pattern: 'Discover, Innovate, Streamline, _______'?

  • Implement
  • Conclude
  • Analyze
  • Review

If increasing current enhances the magnetic field produced by a coil, which modification will least likely improve the magnetic field's strength?

  • Reducing the number of coil turns
  • Using a core of high magnetic permeability
  • Increasing the current flow
  • Decreasing the coil's resistance

You are managing a project with a budget of $250,000. The project is to be completed over a 10-month period. In the first month, $20,000 was spent. If the spending continues at this rate, what will be the total cost of the project?

  • $200,000
  • $270,000
  • $250,000
  • $230,000

Which of the following words is most opposite in meaning to the word 'innovative'?

  • Traditional
  • Creative
  • Modern
  • Advanced

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Apple Assessments Tips

Know Apple Inside Out

Apple's commitment to innovation means they're not just looking for tech-savvy individuals, but forward-thinking pioneers passionate about design and functionality. To excel in Apple’s tests, familiarize yourself with the company's history, product lines, and its vision for the future. Understanding Apple's ethos will help you align your problem-solving approach with their innovative culture.

Think Different

True to Apple's iconic slogan, approach the practice tests with creativity and ingenuity. Apple values unconventional thinking that pushes the envelope, so during your preparation with Techtest, practice going beyond the conventional solutions and show that you can think outside the proverbial box. This will demonstrate your ability to contribute to a culture that's always on the cutting edge.

Attention to Detail

Apple's dedication to precision and aesthetic perfection is evident in all of their products. Reflect this in your test responses by paying close attention to detail and striving for accuracy. On Techtest's practice exams, focus on these details as it's likely to be reflected in the kinds of tests you’ll encounter during Apple’s hiring process.

Simulate Real Test Conditions

Gain an edge by using Techtest to replicate the pressure and environment of the real tests. Apple's hiring process is thorough, which means the tests might be timed and demanding. Familiarizing yourself with the test format and practicing under timed conditions will help reduce anxiety and improve your performance when it matters most.

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Apple Assessments FAQs

Is It Hard To Get A Job At Apple?

Due to Apple's standing and reputation for leading innovation, the Apple recruitment process is competitive. This should not, however, deter potential applicants. With an understanding of what is required throughout the process, and targeted preparation, you will be able to confidently convey your skills, strengths, and suitability for your chosen role.

How Long Does It Take To Get Hired At Apple?

The length of the Apple recruitment process depends upon the specialism applied for, and the level of the position but, as a guide, it usually takes 2 – 4 weeks to reach the interview stage. After the final interview, applicants should be informed of the outcome within a week.

What Should You Wear To An Apple Interview?

Apple encourages employees to be themselves so, if you don't feel comfortable in formal wear, it's not a necessity. Your clothing creates an impression of your character, and Apple wants to get a flavour of this. It is best to dress smartly, but don't be afraid to express your personality.

What Questions Does Apple Ask In Interviews?

Apple interview questions are tailored to individual roles, but there will be common themes across specialities. Be ready to answer behavioural, as well as competency-based questions across the interviews. Prepare for questions around your motivations, your ability to adapt to challenges, and your professional development, as well as your strengths and skills.

Also, be aware of the likelihood of quirkier questions such as 'What is your favourite Apple product, and why?'.