Siemens Assessments

Prepare for the Siemens recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

How To Get A Job At Siemens

Siemens is a global technology company that works in infrastructure, transport and healthcare. They aim to empower their customers to transform their industries and markets to make real and lasting change, every day.

Getting a job at Siemens involves taking part in a challenging hiring process. As well as interviews, and psychometric tests, a select few will also be invited to take part in an assessment day.

Successful applicants to the Siemens Graduate Programme (SGP) will be invited to join a two-year programme that offers a wealth of opportunities, including the chance to work abroad.

Siemens Values

Siemens's values are the bedrock of their operation and are instilled into the staff who work there.

Their core values are:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Excellency
  3. Innovation

Demonstrating these values in your interview and at the assessment day is a great way to connect with Siemens employers.

Types Of Roles At Siemens

Siemens currently employs over 290,000 people, all working in a huge variety of roles to bring a better future to their customers.

The graduate programme is the perfect stepping stone to a world of opportunity. At Siemens, you can find roles in industries as diverse as engineering and finance.

Siemens is also really committed to helping their staff develop wherever they want to be in the world. So they're a great employer for those who might want to relocate.

Hiring Process At Siemens

Siemens Online Application

The first stage of the Siemens hiring process is the online application.

As well as submitting an up-to-date CV, you'll also get the chance to sell yourself, your skills and your experience in a cover letter.

If you meet the criteria, they'll invite you to the next stage of the process.

Siemens Aptitude Tests

Depending on the role you're applying for, you'll be asked to take at least one of the following psychometric tests that assess you on the kind of skills you'll need to use on a day-to-day basis.

Siemens Numerical Reasoning Test

Numerical reasoning tests are there to examine your aptitude for numbers and your understanding of basic mathematical principles.

In the Siemens numerical reasoning test you can expect to answer questions related to graphs, tables and percentages.

As you'd expect in a test of this nature, there's a tight time limit so it's important to find a steady balance between speed and accuracy by practicing numerical reasoning tests.

Siemens Verbal Reasoning Test

Focused on your communication skills and your ability to extract information from passages of text, the verbal reasoning testis set for roles that may require more reading, writing and communicating.

You'll need to read through the passage of text you're presented with, before answering questions on the text by selecting either 'true', 'false', or 'cannot say' as an answer.

Practicing these tests beforehand is the best way to set yourself up for success on the day.

Siemens Telephone Interview

If you pass the psychometric test(s), you'll move onto the next stage of the hiring process, which is a short telephone interview.

A pre-screening before the assessment day, this is a chance for Siemens to find out more about you, your strengths and weaknesses, your experience and why you want to work at Siemens. They'll ask a series of competency questions in order to find this information out.

It's essential to prepare for this by reading up on Siemens, revisiting your CV and education history, looking at the values and mission of the company, and even looking at some standard interview questions that may be asked.

Siemens Assessment Day

The final stage of the hiring process is the assessment day.

Senior staff from the relevant area of the business will spend the day with you and set a series of different challenges.

They'll be looking to see how you work and act as part of a wider team. It's important to try and showcase your ideas and strengths, while also listening to others and not talking over anyone.

You'll have to participate in both a group and a presentation exercise, where you'll be assessed on your confidence, your ability to partake in a group discussion and the way you interact with your peers.

The day will also include a final interview. As well as a chance for Siemens to ask you some final questions, you'll also have the opportunity to ask questions about the company — so make sure you come prepared.

What Is It Like To Work At Siemens?

Siemens is a fast-paced, forward-thinking company with a wealth of opportunities for hard working and committed individuals.

Teamwork is an important part of the culture, and through their values they strive to foster an honest, communicative and progressive workplace where everyone's ideas are heard and no one shies away from innovation.

Top Tips To Getting Hired At Siemens

Do Your Research

The Siemens hiring process is competitive, so it's essential to do your research on the company throughout the application process.

As well as their background, current projects and vision, you should read up on their values, the key competencies they test on and the specific goings-on in the area of work you're interested in.

Practice Tests

The aptitude testsset can be challenging, especially if you haven't practiced any beforehand.

Take some time to work through a few tests and review your results after doing so.

The best way to improve is to focus on the areas you're weaker at. It also helps to time yourself so you can ensure you get better at working through the questions quickly.

Build Confidence

You can build confidence in yourself and your skills by practicing aptitude tests and watching yourself get better and better.

You can also enhance your confidence by practicing answering interview questions, learning more about Siemens and getting a good night's sleep before each stage of the hiring process.

Repeat Harder Questions

The easiest way to improve your scores on the aptitude tests is to repeat the harder questions until you feel like you fully understand what they're asking, and that you're confident you could answer a similar question if it came up on the day.

Sample Siemens Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A system upgrade will occur every 7 days starting on the first day of the month, which is a Monday. On what day will the third upgrade occur?

  • Monday
  • Thursday
  • Wednesday
  • Sunday

A project team reported the following number of issues fixed during the first four days of the workweek: Monday - 16, Tuesday - 24, Wednesday - 20, and Thursday - 28. If the pattern of issues fixed continues, how many issues will the team fix on Friday?

  • 22
  • 32
  • 26
  • 30

After analyzing a paragraph on the latest automation technology, which of these conclusions is supported by the text?

The integration of advanced automation systems within industrial settings is becoming increasingly prevalent. These systems, which leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning, have the potential to significantly reduce operational costs, improve efficiency and eliminate human error. While they require substantial initial investments, the long-term economic benefits outweigh the costs for most large-scale manufacturers.

  • Automation systems will eliminate all manufacturing jobs.
  • Long-term benefits of automation systems are questionable.
  • Initial investments in automation are justified by long-term savings.
  • Advanced automation systems are inexpensive to implement.

Assuming all premises are true, select the conclusion that logically follows from the statements: Premise 1: All electric trains are environmentally friendly. Premise 2: Some fast modes of transportation are electric trains.

  • All fast modes of transportation are environmentally friendly.
  • Some environmentally friendly modes of transportation are fast.
  • No fast modes of transportation are environmentally friendly.
  • Only electric trains are fast modes of transportation.

If the sequence of completions for a series of tasks is ABBCCA, which of these patterns most likely represent the organization's operational workflow?


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Siemens Assessments Tips

Get to Know Siemens

Start by diving deep into Siemens' core areas such as infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. Understanding their mission to drive substantial industry transformation will give you context for the problem-solving scenarios you might face in their tests. Familiarize yourself with the company's latest innovations and consider how your role could potentially contribute to making a real change, as this perspective can inform your strategic approach to the practice exams.

Think Like an Innovator

As Siemens is all about innovation, the practice tests designed by Techtest likely reflect that spirit. Approach every question considering how you can demonstrate a forward-thinking and solution-oriented mindset. Practice developing clear, concise responses that show your capability to think critically about challenges and are not shy to meet change head-on.

Attention to Detail

While working through the practice exams, pay close attention to the details. In the tech sector, and especially in a company like Siemens, precision is key. This means carefully reading test questions and ensuring you fully understand them before answering. Precision and a methodical approach in the practice exams can reflect the quality of work you would deliver on the job.

Holistic Problem-Solving

In your preparation, focus on developing a holistic problem-solving technique. Siemens seeks individuals who can see the bigger picture and understand the wider implications of the technology and solutions they are working with. Use the Techtest practice exams to practice not just technical skills, but also to demonstrate an awareness of the broader impacts and potential of your solutions.

Stay Updated on Tech Trends

The tech industry, including companies like Siemens, evolves rapidly. As part of your preparation with Techtest, stay updated on current trends and breakthroughs in sectors Siemens operates within. Bring this up-to-date knowledge into your practice exam answers where relevant to show that you not only have the foundational skills but are also poised to help Siemens stay at the forefront of technology.

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Siemens Assessments FAQs

How Long Does It Take To Get Hired By Siemens?

It normally takes around three months from starting an application form to being offered a job.

Is It Hard To Get A Job At Siemens?

The hiring process is challenging as Siemens wants to ensure they hire only the best people to take the company forward.

What Should I Wear At A Siemens Interview?

You should be given this information when you get to that stage in the process. But if not, it's always important to make a good impression and dress smartly.

Is Siemens A Good Employer?

Siemens is a world-renowned company and widely regarded as a great place to work.

Siemens offers many different perks and opportunities to their employees, including the chance to work abroad.